Lifecycle in ReactJS

Lifecycle in ReactJS

Hello there we're gonna present the lifecycle in ReactJS. Overall, lifecycle methods are special methods that get called at various points in the lifecycle of a component, from initialization to destruction.

With the introduction of React Hooks, managing component lifecycle has become more straightforward. Here's a comparison between traditional class-based lifecycle methods and equivalent functionality achieved with React Hooks:

Class-Based Components (Lifecycle Methods)


  • Invoked immediately after a component is mounted (inserted into the tree).
  • Commonly used for initializing state or making API calls.

More information and concepts related to this, check this post:

componentDidMount() in ReacJS Class-Based and Functional components
For Class-Based components componentDidMount() is a lifecycle method in React class components that gets called after the component has been mounted (i.e., inserted into the DOM). It’s commonly used for performing tasks that require DOM manipulation or data fetching after the component has been rendered for the first time.

2.componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState):

  • Invoked immediately after updating occurs.
  • Commonly used to perform side effects in response to prop or state changes.


  • Invoked immediately before a component is unmounted and destroyed.
  • Commonly used for cleanup such as canceling timers or disposing of resources.

Functional Components with React Hooks (Equivalents)

useEffect() could be equivalent to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate

1. useEffect() (componentDidMount):

  • Runs after every render.
  • Handles side effects by accepting a function that contains imperative, possibly effectful code.

2. useEffect() (componentDidUpdate):

  • An optional second parameter can be passed to specify dependencies, and if any of these dependencies change, the effect is re-run.
  • If you want an effect to run after every render (including the initial one), you can omit the dependency array. This simulates the behavior of componentDidUpdate().

3.useEffect()conditional (componentDidUpdate):

  • You can also specify dependencies in the dependency array to control when the effect runs, simulating the behavior of componentDidUpdate() with conditions.
  • These depedencies could be variables that can be change over time

4. useEffect() cleanup(componentWillUnmount):

  • To perform cleanup tasks when the component is unmounted, return a function from within the effect function.
  • This function will be invoked when the component is unmounted or before re-running the effect.